Главная » 2012 » Март » 15 » Another Sprouse Lucky Fans Story From L.A!!
Another Sprouse Lucky Fans Story From L.A!!

Another brand new image for our Sprouse Lucky Fans Gallery check out how happy all these girls looks in this pic with the most amazing twins ever Dylan and Cole Sprouse!!

"akela aguas ? @akelaaaah · Details
Ohmygod we just met Zack and Cody !! Dylan and Sole Sprouse!!!!

Просмотров: 936 | Добавил: Andrei_Sprouse | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 Copyrighted content from Sprouseland  
Hello i'm the webmaster of www.sprouseland.com i just noticed you guys have been taken content from my website without my authorization and also without giving ANY credits to Sprouseland.

So,I'm going to nicely ask you to please REMOVE from your blog every article and photo you took from my website. and next time if you need some information about The Sprouse Twin GIVE SPROUSELAND SOME CREDITS it's the right thing to do my website content is copyrighted.


-Laura(Sprouseland's Webmaster)

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